The ALM Intelligence Vanguard—Cybersecurity Consulting Research ALM Intelligence's report, "The ALM Vanguard: Cybersecurity Consulting" analyzes market trends driving consulting demand; identifying consulting…

Joe Kornik | 2019-03-12 17:35:19.000

ALM Intelligence: Q&A with Booz Allen's Anil Markose ALM Intelligence's Laura Becker caught up with Booz Allen's Anil Markose, a leader of the firm's Commercial Capability Delivery Practice, focused…

Laura Becker | 2019-03-12 17:27:48.000

ALM Intelligence: Supply Chain Planning Consulting In its recent report, ALM Vanguard Supply Chain Planning Consulting, ALM Intelligence found that companies look to consultants to help them align and synchronize…

Joe Kornik | 2019-03-12 17:21:37.000

Navigating International Expansion of a Domestically Based Consulting Firm As consulting firms look to expand, often international growth receives high consideration as a method of advancement from the leadership team. The consulting…

Sarah Skidmore | 2019-03-12 17:08:25.000

One on One with FTI Consulting's Brent McGoldrick Technology and big data have dramatically transformed the strategic communications landscape. In the age of Twitter, where both good and bad news can travel…

Joe Kornik | 2019-02-14 09:04:36.000

One on One with L.E.K. Consulting's Robert Rourke Robert Rourke is no stranger to strong growth. A more than 20-year veteran of L.E.K., Rourke previously oversaw the firm's Chicago office as it doubled…

Joe Kornik | 2019-01-17 13:44:20.000

You Say You Want a Revolution! PwC's Mohamed Kande discusses the impact of the Fourth Industrial Revolution Mohamed Kande is Vice Chairman and Advisory Leader, PwC U.S. His expertise spans the areas of operational strategy, technology development, mergers and…

Joe Kornik | 2019-01-17 08:50:18.000

Economic and Financial The Global Leaders in Consulting: Ellen Zimiles Ellen Zimiles Navigant Excellence in Influence Ellen Zimiles loves solving problems and getting to a win-win result. That's one of the things…

Joe Kornik | 2019-01-16 20:59:20.000

The Global Leaders in Consulting: Matthew Tuttle Matthew Tuttle Cognizant Excellence in Innovation Matthew Tuttle is the Vice President Global Sales, Architecture & Advisory Services for…

Joe Kornik | 2019-01-16 20:41:55.000

Public Sector The Global Leaders in Consulting: Leslie Raimondo Leslie Raimondo Booz Allen Hamilton Excellence in Engagement Leslie Raimondo is a Senior Vice President and Deputy Chief Transformation Officer…

Joe Kornik | 2019-01-16 19:49:59.000


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