Generation Y: Your Company's Secret Weapon for Profit, Power and Progress

With the rain showers and songbirds of spring also comes the rush of diplomas and graduation barbecues. For employers such as consulting companies, this means one thing: another wave of Generation Y candidates passing resumes under their eyes, filling their cubicles and coexisting with the rest of their workforce, which in general, is vastly divergent from this batch of newcomers. The generational melting pot is in full effect; more now than ever before, the business world is experiencing the largest span of employees in its companies to date.

Joe Kornik | August 27, 2011

by Jordan Lander

With the rain showers and songbirds of spring also comes the rush of diplomas and graduation barbecues. For employers such as consulting companies, this means one thing: another wave of Generation Y candidates passing resumes under their eyes, filling their cubicles and coexisting with the rest of their workforce, which in general, is vastly divergent from this batch of newcomers.

The generational melting pot is in full effect; more now than ever before, the business world is experiencing the largest span of employees in its companies to date. Babyboomers are prolonging the retirement process in response to advancements in healthcare (the ability to physically work longer) and the economic recession (the financial necessity to work longer). This large demographic had just reached a state of equilibrium in the workplace with their generational successors, Generation X, when Generation Y entered the equation with different experiences, different methodologies and different attitudes.

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