The 2006 Best Places to Stay

In an age when bottled liquids are all that’s needed to strike fear into the hearts of seasoned road warriors, consultants have continued to buckle up and journey whenever their clients deem it necessary. Once again, you shared with us your hard-earned wisdom about life on the road.

Consulting Magazine | October 11, 2006

Consulting Magazine's Best Places to Stay, 2006

In an age when bottled liquids are all that's needed to strike fear into the hearts of seasoned road warriors, consultants have continued to buckle up and journey whenever their clients deem it necessary. Once again, you shared with us your hard-earned wisdom about life on the road.

To this day, Kristin Anderson, a manager at Kurt Salmon Associates, swears that she was haunted during a trip to Richmond, VA. After dinner with colleagues one night, she returned to her room at The Jefferson Hotel and went to bed. When she clicked off the bedside lamp, she noticed that the bathroom light was still on. This would not have been an odd occurrence had she not distinctly recalled turning it off only moments earlier.

During an average year, how
many nights do you spend away
from home due to work?

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Anderson got out of bed and walked to the bathroom. She turned off the light and returned to bed. Suddenly, the bathroom was ablaze once more. Confused, she followed the glow as she had done before. This time, when she got to the bathroom, she grabbed some bath towels before turning off the light. She then closed the door and used the towels to seal the crack beneath the door. If the light was going to turn itself on again, she reasoned, at least she wouldn't be able to tell. "Because if I had been able to," she admitted, "I would've flipped!"

In the morning, the bathroom light was off and Anderson may have not thought much more about her bedtime dilemma had she not related the experience to a colleague on the hotel shuttle. It was then that the shuttle driver, upon hearing Anderson's story, confessed: "There are a few rooms on the fourth floor where there have been incidents reported." Anderson had been staying on that very floor.

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